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Lauren Southern on Islam

Alex Jones losing his shit over Biden's Fed's

What Stormy Daniels Said then VS Now

Anti mass migration Activist Stabbed by Muslim and then Muslim stabs cop

Sonic Mind Control Weapons

The Police have technology that can read your thoughts and speak directly to your brain

The New Mark of the Beast Technology

Government Cloning Technology

Margaret Thatcher on socialism

Tesla crash cover ups .

Obama and Biden's Ice cream

Freemasons Exposed

The Education system is run by Satanists

mRNA changes genetics to remove human rights

Satanic Broadcasting at Eurovision

The Jesuits and MKultra

Digital ID to access the Internet In Australia

Leaders who died after reject Covid Vaccine Mandates

Why is Raw Milk Illegal

No Digital ID then no Job

Shaq a Freemason and the involvement of the Army and Masonic Lodge

Satanism and Taylor Swift .It is interesting how Taylor Swift looks exactly like the high priestess of the church of Satan.

Pakistanian Muslim in Canada admitting back home he would kidnap women

Poisoning through the use of plastics

The X in Twitter what does it mean


Created 2 years, 11 months ago.

143 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

I am a Christian and keep getting banned from Youtube and Facebook as well as the Church.I believe in Biblical Patriarchy and Freedom. I Post teachings and prayers as the Lord leads be Blessed.
